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Your Place for Community

Community Membership

As A Member, You Will:
Be among the first to know about upcoming releases, programs, and experiences!
Enjoy discounts on select merchandise and experiences!
Take part in live in-person events that are open to Members only!
Participate in monthly live on-line Zoom calls, Community Calls & Expert Training Calls!
Build community and friendiships in the Member Only Forum!
Have unlimited access to on-demand courses and content!
Have unlimited access to ALL member archived calls!
Keep your marriage a priority as you engage with the community!
Continue to strengthen your marriage, your bond, and your family!
Have a safe place to be real!
$26.80 / first month
Per Couple
$40 /month
33% Off First Month!
- Unlimited Access to Videos & Worksheets
- Private Membership Community
- Two Monthly Live Zoom Calls
- Quarterly Live In-Person Events
- Discounts on Select Merchandise & Experiences
$432 /Year
Per Couple
(10% Savings from Monthly)
- Unlimited Access to Videos & Worksheets
- Private Membership Community
- Two Monthly Live Zoom Calls
- Quarterly Live In-Person Events
- Discounts on Select Merchandise & Experiences
- Discount on Membership

Become a member now and get instant access to:

Live-Online Monthly Coaching Calls

Known as our Chow Time Call, this is an opportunity to discuss all things marriage in a moderated group format that creates a sense of comradery and belonging while edifying and equiping you to take your marriage to the next level by growing stronger through shared experiences with members of a like mind.
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17 NIV

Live-Online Monthly Expert Training Calls

Each month, Three Cord Marriage, will bring in experts from the marriage, family, life, and self-defense arenas to provide EXCLUSIVE training during our Marksman Call. This is an opportunity to learn from the EXPERTS on how to fine-tune hitting the mark of a successful marriage. No need to seek out different sources of learning on your own, we bring the Experts to you!
It’s better to be wise than strong; intelligence outranks muscle any day. Strategic planning is the key to warfare; to win, you need a lot of good counsel. Proverbs 24:5-6 MSG

Community Forum

Ask questions, share insights and successes on an array of topics in this private, online member forum.
So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 NLT

On Demand Courses

Our library of recorded training allows you to progress through any number of exercises and lessons at a pace that best suits both you and your spouse. Access these as many times and as often as you’d like.
To acquire wisdom is to love yourself; people who cherish understanding will prosper. Proverbs 19:8 NLT

Webinar and Live-Online Library

Missed a live-online event? No worries, catch up on what you’ve missed or rewatch one you loved at any time that suits your schedule.
Wise men and women are always learning, always listening for fresh insights. Proverbs 18:15 MSG


Members get discounted member only pricing on the cost of workshops, retreats, and merchandise. Members also enjoy discounts on specific offerings through our affiliate partners.

Early Access

As a Three Cord Marriage member, you’ll get early access to registration for all specified retreats, workshops, and courses.

The leading resource in connecting married couples with God!

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Ecclesiastes 4:12

Community Membership

As A Member, You Will:
Be among the first to know about upcoming releases, programs, and experiences!
Enjoy discounts on select merchandise and experiences!
Take part in live in-person events that are open to Members only!
Participate in monthly live on-line Zoom calls, Community Calls & Expert Training Calls!
Build community and friendiships in the Member Only Forum!
Have unlimited access to on-demand courses and content!
Have unlimited access to ALL member archived calls!
Keep your marriage a priority as you engage with the community!
Continue to strengthen your marriage, your bond, and your family!
Have a safe place to be real!
$26.80 / first month
Per Couple
$40 /month
33% Off First Month!
- Unlimited Access to Videos & Worksheets
- Private Membership Community
- Two Monthly Live Zoom Calls
- Quarterly Live In-Person Events
- Discounts on Select Merchandise & Experiences
$432 /Year
Per Couple
(10% Savings from Monthly)
- Unlimited Access to Videos & Worksheets
- Private Membership Community
- Two Monthly Live Zoom Calls
- Quarterly Live In-Person Events
- Discounts on Select Merchandise & Experiences
- Discount on Membership

In The Fight... Together!

Join the mission to uphold the true essence of marriage and family in a world trying to redefine them. Strengthen marriage, defend the family, transform the community!
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